10 Replies to “My new Private Fan Club”

  1. I have read your books for years and appreciate your writing style and the ease in which you transition your characters. I realize that it is not as easy as it seems. I had purchased several (5-6) of your books at one time and then after reading them was looking forward to more. But that was a couple of years ago now (life happens doesn’t it?) but just recently re-read three of them and now before I decide to “wait” I’m going to do what I had promised myself to do.

    I had not expected that you would have been writing so many since the last time I wanted your books! I would like to purchase from a place that benefits you most. Please let me know where would be the best place to go to do so.

    Best wishes to you and your family. Sheila (maybe not your #1 fan but close!

  2. Definitely joining the fan club. Iā€™m working my way through all of your wonderful books. I can see why you have compared to Stephen King. You have the same style of writing. And, the same wonderful sense of humor. I so enjoy both of you and your imaginations.!

  3. Just started reading your novels.Read Flesh Bargains and then Ghost. I am a big fan of Konrath and I am looking forward to reading the rest of you novels.
    Robert Johnson

  4. Huge fan! And thanks to you, I now also own (besides all of yours) the works of Konrath/Kilborn, Crouch, Strand, Wilson, etc.
    I really enjoy your style and looking forward to more of your new series!

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